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Tips For Dealing With Stress – Amanda Asad

Tips For Dealing With Stress

Happy Tuesday friends! Some weeks go by really slow and others really fast, and let me just say this week is going by so slow. My planner is absolutely full and next week it is as well, so I am spending half my time getting things done for this week and the other half trying to stay ahead for next.

Outfit details:

I’m taking 18 hours this semester (trying to graduate!!) so stressed is my middle name. Juggling college and life in general, stress isn’t going anywhere. We all deal with it and I know this is something everyone can relate on no matter what stage of your life you’re in.

One thing I’ve learned while growing up with siblings, 2 sisters and a brother, and working with people is that everyone deals with stress differently and everyone can tolerate a different level of stress. So that brings me to my first point…

Know how much stress you can tolerate

Okay Amanda, how the heck am I suppose to know that? What does that even mean? Well I’ll tell you. Look at stress as a good thing because if it didn’t exist there would be no ‘fire’ in you to get things done. You would be bored. You wouldn’t feel motivated to work on your homework or study for a test AKA pass the class AKA graduate AKA make money AKA support yourself! (Always gotta look at the big picture)

But too much stress, the feeling of ‘if someone touches me I’m going to cry’, is your breaking point of how much you can tolerate. Don’t put too much on your plate. Lay out your responsibilities from most important to least important, don’t procrastinate and get them done. You will thank yourself later and feel SO good at the end of the day.

Keep track of responsibilities

When I say lay out responsibilities, I mean like keeping track of what is due when, when meetings are and even when you are going to grocery shop. I write down absolutely everything in my planner but I know a lot of people don’t like to use planners. Use the calendar on your phone or computer, the Reminder app, anything! Find a way that you like to keep track of things. I personally like to use a planner and write everything down then highlight it when I get it done! So satisfying 🙂 I will link the planner here, but I linked some others I like below.


Okay this one is a little silly and I use to always hear people on Instagram/YouTube say things like “Just talk to yourself in the mirror and tell yourself 3 positive things.” And I’m thinking, “Is this girl crazy? I’m not doing that. It’s stupid.”

But I find that in stressful situations, like trying to write an essay or study for an exam, I only talk to myself when I have something negative to say and it really does affect me.

No I don’t make it a point to tell myself positive things every single morning. But when I do catch myself saying “I’m so dumb” out loud, I will say “No I’m not. I will make an A on this test because I’ve been studying every single day and I know this material”.

(Kind of embarrassing to admit but I promise it helps destress!)

Foam Rolling

I LOVE foam rolling! I do it every single day, usually at the gym, but I also own one at home and it is the best thing ever. If I am mentally stressed sitting at a computer studying all day, there is nothing better than taking a 5 minute break and foam rolling. I roll out my back, legs and literally my entire body. There’s no right or wrong way to foam roll (in my opinion anyway, I could be wrong lol). I got mine from target but you can find them everywhere. I will link a similar one I have here!

Rescue Remedy

My last tip to help deal with stress is my favorite. It is a natural stress relief made from rock rose, cherry plum and other flowers. It comes in a glass bottle with a dropper and you put it directly on your tongue for stress relieve. I swear you immediately feel relaxed and it’s the best thing for when I’m trying to sleep but my brain won’t shut off. You can buy it at Whole Foods, Natural Grocers and any health food store, but I will link it for you guys here!


I hope you guys find these tips useful. Comment below and tell me what you do that helps with stress! XOXO, Amanda

Get to know Amanda!

My name is Amanda and I’m Arab American Muslim living in Texas! I share modest fashion inspiration, healthy recipes, beauty favorites, lifestyle tips and so much more on this page. Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. 3.10.18
    Layla said:

    this post is lovely! I think realizing your limits and knowing what you enjoy most in school is definitely helpful! I find it helpful to take a break every now and then, whether during the week or weekend and do something that makes me happy. try to surround yourself with positive people and remind yourself of things like why you’re here and what you’re doing this for. I think having a purpose behind what you do is important.

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